Education Verification

Research Services verifies diplomas, degrees, certificates and dates of attendance at a school. The education level listed on resumes is one of the most over embellished pieces of information given by applicants. According to Hloom, five of the top 10 real lies relate to education: alma mater, academic degree, college major, GPA and college minor. A common misrepresentation we see on applications/resumes is someone listing they graduated from a high school, when in actuality the student graduated from an adult education program or obtained a GED. In addition, a student may indicate they have a degree, but the school only has enrollment dates or no record of the student ever attending.

Types of Information Returned:

  • Dates Of Attendance
  • Major
  • Diploma/Degree/Certificate Type
  • Date Of Graduation
  • Grades / GPA
  • Credits Accumulated
  • Honors
  • Verified By (Name & Title)

Some schools/colleges/universities outsource their verifications to third-party verifiers. These third-party verifiers charge additional fees. Research Services will inform you prior to running this type of search to approve additional charges.

Research Services will make a minimum of three good-faith attempts on every verification. If additional information is required to assist with verification, our staff will reach out to our client. Being in business since 1996 our staff  has performed thousands of these verifications. With that experience has come knowledge and data lists that ensure faster verifications.

Turnaround Time: 1-4 Business Days  (Dependent on availability of Guidance Department and Registrar)

Connecticut Research services, pre-employment background checking company, Employment Screening, Social security tracer
Education Verification

Research Services verifies diplomas, degrees, certificates and dates of attendance at a school.

Connecticut Research services, pre-employment background checking company, Employment Screening, Social security tracer
Employment Verification

We offer employment verifications to help employers look into the work history of the applicant.

Connecticut Research services, pre-employment background checking company, Employment Screening, Social security tracer
Professional Licensing

Research Services provides verifications of these credentials, letting employers know if the license is valid, active, expired or lapsed.

Connecticut Research services, pre-employment background checking company, Employment Screening, Social security tracer
Reference Checks

Reference checks provide information that you cannot get from an applicant or a background search.

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