“What we are doing to the forests of the world is a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another” – Mahatma Gandhi
When the Coronavirus decided to grace us with its presence, paperless consent forms became a must-have for our clients. We take the needs of our clients seriously, and therefore we delivered. Our applicant management center (AMC) not only provides paperless consent forms, but provides our clients with a database to track and make notes on their applicants.
The hiring process should be convenient, while maintaining flexibility and safety. There are two options if you decide to go paperless. Option one caters to those who may not prefer to learn a new online system, whether it be because your time is limited, or because you want the background screening to involve as little interaction as possible. We see and understand your position. Option one requires us to create the packages that pertain to your applicants. We provide you with the link that will be distributed to your applicants. Using the link, your applicant will complete the consent form, which will send directly to us to process. An email alert will notify you when the report is complete. It’s simple, you send the link, and then retrieve the results upon their completion.
Option two provides additional immersive control. Option two allows you to customize your applicant packages to your preferences, and allows you to decide when the time has come to process the reports. Using the AMC portal, you will generate customized emails to send to your applicants which contain the link required to complete the paperless consent form. Not only will you be able to send your applicants our required form, but you will be able to upload any hiring documents you require to be completed as well in the attachment section. Upon completion you’ll be notified either via text or email to review their forms on the portal. With the click of a button, you can send the applicant to us for processing. If you would prefer the report sends directly to us upon completion, you have that option available as well.
The package building process allows you to cater to various positions held within your company, as not all positions require the same searches. For example, an applicant making deliveries or transporting patients would likely require a driving history report. But you wouldn’t necessarily need to run a driver history report on an applicant that has or will have a position that never includes driving or making deliveries. In contrast, you would potentially run federal and credit reports on applicants handling financial affairs, but not on an applicant that will never handle financial affairs. This process also allows you to differentiate between employees and volunteers.
Whether you chose option one or two, you will have the “Applicant Tracking” ability. In this portion of the feature, you can send your applicants to us for processing, verify if an applicant has completed their form, send follow-up emails to applicants if they have not completed the form, and you can maintain notes pertaining to applicants. For example, if you hire an applicant an applicant or not, or any experience they’ve previously had that would qualify them for promotions or other positions within your company. See the color coded and symbol breakdown of the applicant tracking legend below.
Our AMC feature provides an easy to complete form for your applicants that is compatible with phones, as it was designed with them in mind, as not everyone has a computer or laptop. It provides employers with an easy to access database on their applicants, but best of all, it helps save trees.